Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Circus Maximus

Four is such a fun age. All of a sudden I'm getting asked all kinds of questions about how things work, or why something is a certain way. Or Max is explaining to me how the world is from his four year old view of life. I love getting to see how his little mind works and how he views the world. Here are some of my favorite things and stories about Max.

Max is still loves order and structure and still loves to organize and group his toys when he plays.

The other day we were in downtown Salt Lake and Emily was getting mad that I had stopped the car and yelling for me to go. I was explaining to her how I couldn't go because I would hit the cars in front of me and we would get hurt when Max piped in, "Yea, but I won't get hurt because I have a ban-baide (band-aide) on my knee."

Max is still figuring out the meaning of words that have to do with time. He's always asking to just stay up for "just" one or two more hours, talking about something that happened last week that happened the day before or maybe several months ago, etc. He also likes me to hold up my hands to show him how long it is when I tell him we will do something or his show will be on in half an hour, a few hours, ten minutes, etc. (I have the hardest time "showing" him how long half an hour is.) I love it when I ask him when something he is talking about happened he will say, "hmm, last Thursday" or "next week".

After I made a comment about Max smelling stinky, Max sniffed his hand and said, "No I don't, I smell fresh."

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