Thursday, April 24, 2008

Extended Stay

So due to some extremely bad weather last night, our little friends have decided to stay. (For those of you that don't live in Utah, we had a major rain storm last night with some very strong wind.) The chimney sweep called me this morning to see if I could hear our little visitors so I went and turned of the stereo, after having it blaring for 36 hours straight, and immediately heard little baby raccoons. It was also snowing when he called, so we opted to wait on the chimney cleaning. We have a very steep roof, and I had visions of the chimney sweep falling off our wet, steep roof. The weather is supposed to get better over the weekend, so we rescheduled for him to come on Monday. We are really hoping we can get the raccoons to move out on their own since it will cost a couple hundred dollars just to have the chimney sweep remove them and we are all ready going to be spending a pretty penny to get the chimneys cleaned and capped. The chimney sweep is all for this as well. I guess they aren't very fun to remove, especially when there are babies. In the meantime, I've turned off the radio and we are going to wait until Saturday or Sunday to turn it back on. I'm hoping we can skip town for the weekend so that I don't go crazy from the loud music. Anyone up for visitors? ;) I'll let you know how it all goes next week. For right now, I'm just enjoying the silence while my kids are napping. It's amazing the little things you appreciate when something like this happens!


Kathryn-nannygoat said...

CRAZY!! What are the chances? I mean it's not like there are a lot of raccoons in W.B. and you have a whole family of them in your chimey! I hope the weather changes soon and you get your house back. Until then we would love to have you come stay with us. ;)heehee

Tiffany said...

I laughed at the part in your post when you mentioned having visions of the chimney sweep sliding off the roof. That is so like me to worry about something like that. Good Luck with the critters...

whitewaterwoman said...

you can come stay at my house. I don't have raccoons in the chimney, just car security alarms going off several times at night!

Erin said...

Sorry your visitors are staying for the weekend. Hopefully you guys can get them out on your own so you don't have to pay all that extra $. Max had got some pretty fancy dance moves. It looks like he doesn't mind the music.

Ines said...

Come and see us. Any time this weekend would be fine! Hope you'll visitors will be gone soon, and you can enjoy your home all to yourself again.