Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

We had such a great Easter. The kids came downstairs first thing to find their Easter baskets. Max just wanted to play with his Hot Wheel's cars that he got, but Emily immediately shoved some jelly beans in her mouth and proceeded to find three eggs before Max even realized that the Easter Bunny had hidden eggs all over the house. I had one of those moments were I felt like my mother when one of the eggs wasn't found and I couldn't remember where it was. I guess we'll find it some time. Jeff wondered if it made me feel like my mother because I couldn't remember where it was hidden or because I couldn't seem to stop trying to find it for the next 30 minutes. To be honest, I'm not sure.

The kids got new Easter clothes. I made Emily's dress but not Max's clothes, which I kind of feel a little guilty about. I had prepared myself for Max to have a hard time putting on new church clothes, but that went over fine until we got to the new shoes. What followed was 15 minutes of screaming as we tried to get Max's shoes on. I ended up taking pictures of Emily in her dress while Jeff, who is the calm one, managed to get Max's shoes on. (They ended up coming off in nursery after all that work.) Because of the shoe debacle I got one lone picture of Max in his new clothes before we had to rush out the door to church. I was singing in the ward choir and was excited to sing the beautiful cantata we have been working on for the last few months. Our last song always makes me cry and I was trying the whole time to keep it together so that I could sing. I love songs about the Savior, especially on Easter and Christmas. What a great time of year Easter is!

After church we headed up to Jeff's parents for Easter dinner and another egg hunt for the kids. I always love going to Jeff's parents. Their house just feels so comfortable and Jeff's family is just the nicest family I've ever met. I am so blessed with my in laws and the kids LOVE going to Grandma and Grandpa's house.


Tiffany said...

I noticed Emily's dress on Sunday. It was darling. You dressing Max reminded me of what it was like getting Luke ready for church at that age. He was a NIGHTMARE about his church clothes. Glad you had a happy Easter. The choir performance was beautiful. I was glad I was there to see it.

heather said...


Shelly said...

Happy Easter!!! Your kids as usual are absolutely adorable...I love Emily's dress!!! Sounds like it was a great weekend!!

Erin said...

Emily's dress is so cute! Why didn't I get any of the sewing ability genes? It sounds like you guys had a good day with plenty of easter egg hunts over the weekend. That was quite the collection of hard boiled eggs. I like dying them too but knew I would end up eating most of them by myself so we only did 8.

Andrea and Nate Tracey said...

Cute kids!! It looks like you had a good Easter! Sorry to hear about Oriana's shower, I know my mom was so embarrassed! My grandma can be odd at times! I hope to see you when we are out for the wedding!!

Brittney said...

What a talented woman you are! I love Emily's dress. Max reminds me of Sam at that age....any type of dressing was awful! He looked very handsome though :)

Lesley said...

I noticed Emily's dress on Sunday and meant to ask you if you had made it!! It is so cute, you always do an amazing job at whatever projects you are working on. I loved the choir cantata as well, I'm so glad I was able to sing those songs. BTW I noticed what a great singing voice you have. I'm hoping to come to game night tomorrow night. I will bring "Ticket to Ride".

whitewaterwoman said...

I'm glad you had a great Easter. I missed spending Easter with you this year. Maybe next year?