We spent Monday with Erin, Brian, Ellie, and my mom in Cache Valley. It was really overcast and rainy all day so we spent the afternoon playing Ticket to Ride (which is one of my favorite games, even though I'm horrible at it) while the kids napped. It finally cleared up in the evening so we went for a short hike up Green Canyon. It was a little chilly, but really pretty. The cloud cover made for great picture taking and you can probably tell that I've been messing around with some of these pictures. I'm a little embarrassed to post photos I've manipulated since my friend Natalie always takes the most amazing pictures, so don't judge my very amateur work!
Jeff and Brian, with the "help" of Max and Ellie, where throwing Frisbees in the campground. Jeff plays ultimate Frisbee with some guys he met in our last ward when the weather is good. It was always a common past time in Logan and makes me think of students throwing Frisbees across the quad in between classes. As we were coming over the mountain into Cache County Jeff and I were talking about how Logan still feels like home to both of us. I'm not sure if we would move back right now if we were given the chance, but we sure miss it sometimes. College was such a wonderful and fun time for both of us and we often talk about how glad we were to be able to have those single years before we got married.
Here's Jeff, Max, and my mom. Max was walking between them holding both of their hands on the way back. We were very lucky to have my mom live with us for about a year and Max has a special relationship with her because of this. I love watching them together and I'm so glad that he has kept that closeness to her even though she doesn't live with us anymore.
I am trying to make sure that I end up in the blog periodically, which is hard since I'm the one who is usually taking the pictures and when I do end up in the picture I don't like the way I look. This isn't really an exception to this, but I figure I need to get over that, because I love seeing pictures of my friends/family on their blogs. So here you go, a picture of our little family.
I miss Cache Valley, too. Jay and I have often had the same conversation about how Logan always feels like home, but we don't know if we'll ever live there again. I'm sad we couldn't be there with you guys yesterday. Hopefully we can take a week and come out later this summer and see everyone. And I'm glad you put a picture of yourself on the blog. I love to see pictures of my sisters along with their kids.
Looks like you guys were busy over Memorial Day weekend--sad that the weather wasn't better...I love all your pictures-and can TOTALLY relate to the whole not posting pictures of yourself thing...I do the SAME thing! I critisize every picture of myself! Yours however are always cute so keep posting them....Max looks like he is so fun and sounds like he always keeps you running...I loved the picture a few posts back about him climbing out of his crib! And Emily is darling as ever!
What a fun weekend. The pictures in Cache Valley are so beautiful. I miss the green. We have a lot of good memories from Cache Valley, too.
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