Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I know that all kids make mischief and get into things, but come on! I would just like to be able to go for a few hours without telling Max, "Stop that!", "Get off of there!", "Put down that knife!", "Don't eat that cube of butter!", etc. My house reached the point of crazy baby proofing before Max was eighteen months old yet he is still constantly finding new things to get into and ways to drive his mom a little crazy. I know I'm not alone in this, but I needed to do some venting after finding him in his room with every single wipe pulled out of the (full) wipes container and then wadded into a ball and shoved back in.


Tiffany said...

Umm-Yeah-Don't know when to tell you it might end... Even with some older kids, Mike's most famous line to the kids is, "Don't touch my stuff!"

Maren said...

Yeah. Tessa has pulled the wipee thing a couple of times. I hate it. And then I sit there and try to fold all the wipees to get them back in the container and think about how quickly messes are made vs. how long it takes me to clean them up. We've got years of this to come. It's a good thing they're cute.

Kathryn-nannygoat said...

That is Campbell's favorite thing to do! It makes me crazy... but, I guess it could be worse. At least wet wipes are clean. ;)

Meghan said...

What a little mischief maker! Maybe someday he'll listen...until then, lock him in a room. :)

heather said...

Emmy does that exact same thing with the wipes and our kids love to take the "I can't believe it's not butter" liquid spray and pump it into their mouths. SICK!