Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jeff!!

Today is Jeff’s 32nd birthday, and I’ve been trying to think of how to express what a great person he is and how grateful I am for him but I’ve been having a hard time finding a way to truly express what’s in my heart. I hope that the things I have been able to put down will give you an idea of what a wonderful person he is.

He’s the most patient person I know. In the 9 ½ years that I’ve known him I’ve never seen him loose his temper. He sometimes gets irritated, but hardly ever angry. (I’ve never actually seen him get angry, but I have heard that it has happened.) ;)

He believes the best in others. He’s always trying to see things from their perspective and giving people the benefit of the doubt.

He is always willing to help. It’s not uncommon for him to be helping a neighbor move some furniture, giving someone a ride somewhere, picking something up for a friend, etc. And it’s not just that he’s willing to help, but he is glad to.

He may not be the speediest person, but he gets things done and is a hard worker.

He has this great ability to be content. I think Jeff could learn to like almost any situation if he was given enough time.

He loves to learn. Jeff is constantly listening, reading, thinking, and debating about things. He also has a vast knowledge of what he calls useless facts from all the newspaper reading he has done over the years. ;)

These are just a few of the things that I love about Jeff. He makes me want to be a better person and I am grateful every day to have him in my life. I love you Jeff, and I hope you have a great birthday!!


Meghan said...

Happy Birthday, Jeff! And happy late birthday to you, Adrienne. I did remember yours a day after but because Jay's brothers were here at that time I didn't get a chance to call. But I hope you both had great birthdays. We love and miss you both!

Ines said...

Happy Birthday to both of you! I'm so happy you found each other.

Shannan said...

Happy birthday, Jeff! You are a great guy, and I am happy that you are a part of our family. I think that you are a perfect match for Adrienne. Just try to keep that newspaper pile under control, okay?